Treasured Memories Basket
Treasured Memories Basket
Treasured Memories Basket
$129.95A rich, colorful basket to honor treasured memories and a cherished life. Purple hydrangea, lavender, white roses, and baby?s breath are set in a wicker basket to send a message of peace, comfort and remembrance....
The Schefflera Arboricola
The Schefflera Arboricola
The Schefflera Arboricola
$114.95The Schefflera Arboricola, or more commonly known as a Dwarf Umbrella Tree, is a lush and vibrant way to bring nature into any space. This incredible plant displays its beautiful foliage presented in a round graphite container for a look of modern sophistication, making it an ideal plant suited to f...
Sundance Rose Bouquet
Sundance Rose Bouquet
Sundance Rose Bouquet
$134.95The Rose Bouquet employs a soft assortment of roses to create a sweet and stunning arrangement. Cream, white, orange and pink roses are simply brought together in a clear glass bubble bowl vase to make an exquisite flower bouquet set to warm their heart when extending your warmest wishes for their b...
Garden Walk Bouquet
Garden Walk Bouquet
Garden Walk Bouquet
$104.95The Garden Walk Bouquet is an exquisite expression of natural beauty and grace. Assorted lavender roses, rich red roses, purple stock and lush greens have a fresh look of floral elegance presented in a modern clear glass vase to create a sweet sentiment ideal to celebrate any of life's special momen...
Your Light Shines
Your Light Shines
Your Light Shines
$119.95This softly elegant gesture of condolence and affection honoring the memory of a life well lived is a gentle touch during a difficult time. Lavender and pink flowers such as roses, hydrangea, monte cassino asters, eucalyptus and salal are arranged in a clear glass hurricane vase....
Pink and lavender basket
Pink and lavender basket
Pink and lavender basket
$134.95A sympathy basket filled with pink flowers including roses, lilies, gladiolas, gerbera and carnations....
Basket arrangement of mixed white flowers
Basket arrangement of mixed white flowers
Basket arrangement of mixed white flowers
$134.95A garden basket in all white of lilies, roses, gerbera and snapdragons....
A basket of mixed garden flowers
A basket of mixed garden flowers
A basket of mixed garden flowers
$119.95A lavish basket of colorful flowers with asters, asiatic lilies, roses, sunflowers, larkspur and mini carnations....
Sympathy Spray
Sympathy Spray
Sympathy Spray
$159.95A standing spray of lilies, gladiolus, roses and more. Shown in shades of pink and white. Appropriate for funeral home....
Teleflora's Delicate Dozen
Teleflora's Delicate Dozen
Teleflora's Delicate Dozen
$104.95As soft and delicate as the first blush of love, this rose bouquet carries a lot of romance. Gorgeous sweet pink roses arranged in a clear glass vase sends such a beautiful message of love, it just might leave you and your love blushing. Standard : 12 Roses Deluxe : 18 Roses Premium : 24 Roses...
Here Comes The Sun by Teleflora
Here Comes The Sun by Teleflora
Here Comes The Sun by Teleflora
$104.95Here comes the sun and it's all bright, especially when it comes to this gorgeous bouquet. Anyone who receives this golden arrangement will definitely feel its warmth. As if green roses next to yellow sunflowers and snapdragons weren't brilliant enough, we've added white stock, green button spray ch...
Teleflora's Glorious Day
Teleflora's Glorious Day
Teleflora's Glorious Day
$139.95Some people like their lemonade yellow, while others prefer pink. Guess what? This glorious arrangement caters to both! Pretty pink and lemon yellow blossoms are served up gloriously in a vase. Yellow and light pink roses, pink spray roses and fresh greenery are delivered in a stylish vase....
Large Basket Garden
Large Basket Garden
Large Basket Garden
$104.95This impressive garden of indoor plants will be a warm welcome to any home or office. And you'll get glowing reviews for sending it. Croton, ivy, pothos, dieffenbachia, schefflera and syngonium plants arrive together in a wicker basket with handle....
Bountiful Rose Basket
Bountiful Rose Basket
Bountiful Rose Basket
$209.95A beautiful, bountiful basket of luminous white roses that feels so fresh, natural, and welcomed in a home or at a service. White and cr...
Amazing Arboricola
Amazing Arboricola
Amazing Arboricola
$119.95Also known as the umbrella plant due to its lovely arching leafy branches, this is an amazing gift. It can last for years and lend its graceful beauty to any home or office. Standing almost three feet tall in its olive green ceramic planter, this arboricola is a natural.Color and style of container ...
Teleflora's Parisian Pinks
Teleflora's Parisian Pinks
Teleflora's Parisian Pinks
$104.95Named after the most romantic city in the world, this pretty rose arrangement delivers romance ever so beautifully. Light pink roses symbolize femininity, elegance and refinement, especially when they are perfectly arranged in a white French country pot. Enchanting light pink roses and spray roses a...
Victorian Romance
Victorian Romance
Victorian Romance
$104.95Romance blossoms beautifully within this elegant bouquet. The serenity and innocence of cream-colored roses is in delightful juxtaposition with lavender waxflower and fresh ivy greens. It's as romantic as a stroll through the English countryside. A dozen cr...
Steal the Show by Teleflora
Steal the Show by Teleflora
Steal the Show by Teleflora
$104.95You won't have to worry about any other bouquet upstaging this gift! At over two feet tall, this is a fabulous way to show someone how much they mean to you. Lovely lavender roses, alstroemeria, larkspur, freesia, matsumoto asters and limonium are joined by light pink snapdragons, purple monte cassi...
Madly in Love by Teleflora
Madly in Love by Teleflora
Madly in Love by Teleflora
$249.95If you're crazy about someone and not afraid to show it, this bright jewel-toned arrangement is the perfect way to express your love. Lavender, red and hot pink roses along with coral and red spray roses arranged in a red-hot cube vase are an absolutely beautiful way to get your message across....
Lavish Love
Lavish Love
Lavish Love
$104.95Lovely reds and pinks come together in this lavishly romantic anniversary gift. Sweetly sentimental, this combination of colors and flowers is a delightfully fresh way to say I love you. Radiant red roses and spray roses along with pretty in pink asiatic lilies are beautifully arranged in a stylish ...
Always a Lady
Always a Lady
Always a Lady
$139.95A romantic gift like this one is always appreciated. An eye-catching display of roses and lilies is perfectly arranged in a feminine vase which makes a beautiful and lasting impression. Elegant white roses and sweet pink asiatic lilies are hand-arranged with greens. It's the perfect way to show you ...
Roman Holiday
Roman Holiday
Roman Holiday
$139.95Want to know the true meaning of a Roman Holiday. If you ask us, it's really a romance holiday where true love blossoms! In this case, it's presented gorgeously. Beautiful dark pink hydrangea, red and lavender roses, carnations in dark purple and lavender, hot pink freesia and lavender phlox are per...
My Perfect Love
My Perfect Love
My Perfect Love
$239.95When it comes to romance, the red rose rules! And when it comes to delivering romance in a big way, two dozen gorgeous red roses are a brilliant choice. Twenty-four stunning red roses are arranged with greenery and delivered in a feminine vase. ...
Never Let Go by Teleflora
Never Let Go by Teleflora
Never Let Go by Teleflora
$149.95Hold fast to her heart with romantic reminders of your love. This unique rose arrangement speaks to your passion in rich reds and delicate lavender. Romantic flowers – 18 red roses and sweet lavender waxflower – are gathered into a modern red cube vase....
Even when you're far away, your loved ones will feel your positive energy radiating through the fresh blooms, appreciating your kindness and attention. Our extended network of funeral director and funeral parlor connections ensures that only the freshest blossoms reach your destination at their peak. Investing in a luxury flower arrangement is not only a lavish gift but also a way to strengthen the bond between friends, family members, or lovers, overcoming all obstacles and spanning the ages.